
Glomo Taxi

 Privacy poli cy 1. General Gl omotaxi (whose head offi ce is located i n Cameroon, s hell nsimey ong, MRS stati on), in its ca pacity as data contr oller, at taches great imp ortance t o the protectio n and res pect of your privacy. This policy (t he "Privac y Policy") aims to inform you of our practices re garding t he collect ion, use a nd sharing of informati on that you a re require d to pr ovide to us t hrough our mobile applicatio ns. This Privac y Polic y (togethe r with o ur Term s of Service) sets out h ow we treat the personal dat a we coll ect and t hat you provi de t o us. We invit e you t o read this document c arefully t o know a nd understand our practi ces rega rding the processi ng of your personal data t hat we implem ent. Informati on We Collect We may c ollect and process t he following data : 2.1. Inform ation y ou send us direct ly By using our ap plications, you are re quired to send us inf ormation , some of w hich is like ly to identify yo ...